Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chocolate Granola

This is another recipe from my current obsession....Mast Brothers Chocolate.  I told you I was going to make everything in there!

And let's just say that Mr. B isn't complaining.

When this first came out of the oven, I seriously thought this was going to be the first major fail from the book, but alas, no.  Once I mixed in the melted chocolate, cocao nibs, cranberries and chocolate chunks, all was redeemed!

This is probably not the granola that your trainer would recommend, but, hey, dark chocolate is good for you, right?  Antioxidants and such??

I find myself dipping into the bin to grab just a tiny chunk when I'm craving something sweet and it's delicious on it's own, but let's be honest here.  This belongs with ice cream.  A perfect little marriage!

I made mine with dark chocolate strictly for the health reasons (wink, wink) but if you prefer milk chocolate chunks, go that route.  

Hubs has had this every night for dessert, but I also served this to company after a cookout on Sunday and it was a huge hit.

Chocolate Granola
Mast Brothers Chocolate

Makes 5 cups

1 cup Almonds, roughly chopped
1 cup Pecans, roughly chopped
1 cup Rolled Coats
1/2 cup Honey
2 tablespoons Brown Sugar
3 tablespoons Unsalted Butter
2 tablespoons Cocoa Powder
1/2 cup Cocao nibs
1/2 cup Dried Cranberries
5 ounces Dark Chocolate, chopped

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
Line a baking sheet with parchment or silpat (this is my tip)
Combine almonds, pecans, and rolled oats with honey and brown sugar
Spread evenly on lined baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.  Let cool.
Melt butter with cocoa in a saucepan.
Mix together cocao nibs, cranberries, and the roasted mixture.
Stir in the melted butter mixture.
Mix in the chopped dark chocolate.

I store this in a tupperware container at room temp.

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