Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pear Spice Cake with Walnut Praline Topping

This cake screams Fall.  It's got pears and cinnamon and allspice and nutmeg and it's everything I love and associate with my favorite time of the year. 

I'm well aware that here in Alabama we probably still have another couple of months of hot weather but at least the grocery aisles and farmers markets have started saying Fall.  My favorite Honeycrisp apples made their first appearance this week at Fresh Market and I've started seeing pumpkins and squash everywhere.  So at least I have Fall food, if not Fall weather.

I'm not sure how I came across this recipe, either Pinterest or another food blogger, but it's originally a Joy the Baker recipe and per usual, it's simply fabulous.  The cake is amazingly moist with all those warm spices I mentioned and that praline topping.....OMG.  I find myself sticking my finger under the plastic wrap every time I walk by and just "cleaning up the plate" a bit.  To die for stuff.

Click HERE for the recipe!

1 comment:

  1. thx for info... keep writing and giving us an information... glhf for ur day!!!
