Saturday, July 17, 2010

Beaver Creek Trail Ride

Hubs and I are in Beaver Creek, Colorado this week to enjoy some cooler temps and languish in the beauty of the Colorado Rockies.  I mean, there anything better in the summer?  If you've only experienced this area in the winter, you're really missing out.  I've been officially converted this summer.

This trip we invited the 'rents and my oldest niece, Annie.  That's her in the middle of Mr. B and I.  She's finishing up her last year of college and had a one week break between classes so we convinced her to join us.

Just so happens, she's an Equine Science major and has a major passion for 1200 pound animals.  These creatures.....

She has her own horse and rides practically every day, so when she discovered Beaver Creek had their own stables, I was not at all surprised that she wanted to go riding.  I was surprised (VERY) that she talked her uncle and I into joining her.

It's been a looooong time since I've ridden a horse.  But if hubs could do it, damnit so could I.  Being competitive doesn't always serve me well.

When we got to the stables I immediately saw this little guy and was hoping I'd get to ride him.  He's a mini and I figured if he threw me off it wouldn't be that far of a fall.  Plus, look at that face.

Is he sweet or what?  And those horse stinkin soft.

The teeth may need some work....

....and I'm not sure I would ever be doing this.  I told you she was passionate.  She may need some therapy!

And then there was this guy.  His name was Midnight and he was having a bad day.

He threw a little temper tantrum while we were waiting to leave.  I was sure they were going to make me ride him.  I would have been outta there!

Luckily he got taken out back for a little time out, so to speak.  

That's Diesel and he was my ride for the day.  Diesel was a bit of a drama queen.  Whenever I'd give a little tug on his reins, he'd throw his head back like I'd just tried to give him whiplash or something.  So freaking dramatic.  But also totally sweet.

Hubs got Dooley.

And Annie got Little Indian.  

Before we left, the guide pointed out that we'd be riding to the top of that mountain.  WHAT?  You're kidding me, right?  Seems not.

And off we went.  The girl in the cowboy hat was our guide, Bree.  She grew up in Colorado but moved to Utah for High School.  She's going to be a freshman in college but comes back to Beaver Creek every summer to work.  I think she convinced Annie to join her next summer.  It didn't take much talking!!

We headed into the Aspens.  And speaking of Aspens, I was a little shocked to learn that it's not the state tree.  That would be the Blue Spruce.  I think you screwed up there Colorado.  Your state tree should totally be the Aspen.  See if you can get that changed, mkay.

When we came out of the Aspens, we had a great view of Beaver Creek Village.

Then back into a grove of the future state tree of Colorado.

See how dark they are at the bottoms?  Bree said that was an indication of how high the snow was in the winter.  That's why I'm only coming back in the summer!

That's the Columbine....the state flower.  Quite the state history lesson you're getting here today, right?

This is the state nothing.  Just a really large carcass leftover from the winter.  Sweet, right?  Maybe not.

But that view is sweet.  This really is a great way to see some beautiful views of Beaver Creek.  It's a very family friendly ride and you don't have to be an experienced horse person to have a great time.

Annie even talked me into doing it again later in the week!

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