Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm such a slacker and TWD - Four Star Chocolate Bread Pudding

I'm a blogging slacker.  The first step to recovery is admitting your problem, so that little sentence should solve everything.  With that out of the way, lets get to this week's TWD....

Four Star Chocolate Bread Pudding.

Which is actually only getting two stars here.  It just didn't thrill me.  And I'm a little embarrassed, because I gave most of it to the chocolate-loving husband of a BFF who was kind enough to be my transportation to the hospital last Friday.  Her four-star effort didn't deserve two-star bread pudding.  Now I'm going to have to make her husband some World Peace Cookies to properly thank her.

It wasn't that this totally sucked, but it didn't compare to my favorite Banana's Foster Bread Pudding recipe with the Butterscotch Rum Sauce that I could bathe in.  I'd make that for the BFF's husband, but let's just be honest.....I'd eat it all and then STILL have to make the dude World Peace Cookies.

So, thanks to Lauren of Upper East Side Chronicles for choosing this week.  Check out her blog for the recipe and make sure you check out the other bakers to see what creative things they did with this one.  My favorite variation this week has to be Spork or Foon's Tiramisu Bread Pudding which I know I'll be trying soon.


  1. I should have made a sauce for this.

  2. That looks soooo good with that dollop of (ice cream??) on top. Thanks for the link to the Bananas Foster pudding. Sounds good, too.

  3. I really enjoyed this, especially warmed up with chocolate syrup or cream anglaise!
