Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Google this.....

I freeking love Google.  It's scary (in a "big brother" sort of way) and amazing at the same time.  But I'll explain that in a minute.

First, some more LDB....

We went here last night for dinner

Chez Bamboo...as you can see, home of "elegant Caribbean cuisine".    Which I don't know is entirely true, but it was passable Caribbean cuisine!!  I will say that the complimentary hummus to start with was the best I've ever had....silky smooth and just the right amount of garlic.

The rest of the meal was "ok"....but this guy thought otherwise.  He was sticking around for any morsel that was thrown his way.  

After all that hummus I needed some time on the treadmill, so Mr. B and I headed to the LDB workout room.  Nice, right?

And some awesome tennis courts.  Definitely could see a girls trip here!!

We also check out the beach area....again, nice!

We've been thinking about doing some snorkeling while we're here but have not seen anyone swimming until today when I spotted this couple in the water.  I'm wondering if the water is too cold??  

This afternoon I was sitting on the deck when I spotted this little dinghy down in the Bay and was sure that Jay-Z and Beyonce were chillin with us.

So, I pulled out the zoom lens.....

....and this is where "Google" comes in.  As you can see, it's the Lady Allison.  So inquiring minds wanted to know who Lady Allison was.....So, I did what any 21st century girl would do....

And I discovered that the owner of this little canoe was none other than Leonard Stern, who's wife happens to be Allison Stern (hence, Lady Allison).  Who the F are Leonard and Allison Stern you ask???  Well, I'm gonna tell you.  Leonard's father arrived in New York in 1926 with 5000 canaries (yes, I said 5000 F'n birds) and started Hartz Mountain Pet Products!  

Dude is responsible for controlling fleas!

It obviously pays!

Good for you Leonard!

The even more amazing part of this story is....our guests for the week have met this guy on more than one occasion....way back in the day.  But that's another story, for another day!

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