Sunday, December 19, 2010
Charlotte Rebecca Markley - College Graduate!
Just a little under three years ago, that beautiful young woman and all of her worldly possessions (that fit in the trunk of her Honda Civic) came to stay with me. The previous few months had not gone exactly like she wanted and she was looking for a change of scenery. Plus, it was the middle of winter and Alabama was a LOT more tolerable than frigid central Ohio. Plus plus.....hubs was spending Monday through Friday working in Michigan, so having someone to talk to besides Rafter sounded like fun to me.
It was initially only to be for a few months, but fortunately for me, she decided to stay and enrolled at UAB to finish up her degree in Psychology. The past three years have been some of the most rewarding (and, at times, challenging!) of my life. Watching her grow from a somewhat down and disillusioned 19 year old into a confident, proud young woman has been a huge blessing. She took a bump in her life and worked harder than I ever imagined she would and turned herself into someone with a truly limitless future.
Charlotte, it has been a pleasure and an honor for Uncle Ed and I to watch you blossom over the past few years. We are so proud of you and cannot wait to see where you go next. Congratulations. We love you.
that made me cry! i feel like a loser, but well said! -jenn